Catastrophe season 3
The plot of the comedy series "Catastrophe" is centered on two young people whose destinies completely coincidentally intersect in the capital of England. He – the most real American, and she – An Irishwoman who belongs to a Catholic family, where all old traditions are revered, and are rather hostile to new cultural heritage. Going to London, both of them could not even imagine how this trip would turn out for them. Seeing each other for the first time, Rob and Sharon felt some very strong attraction, which in turn led to a stormy night spent together. After some time, unexpectedly for the main characters, it turns out that the pleasant time was not in vain, and now Sharon is pregnant. This news falls on them like snow, and the careless couple has no idea what to do with all this. After all, first of all, you need to tell your parents about everything, and they will definitely not be happy with how everything turned out. Sharon and Rob have to figure out how to solve a number of complex problems that have resulted from unexpected feelings that flared up between them…