2021 year


Fast and Furious 9 is the latest installment in the long-running Fast and the Furious film franchise. Fortunately, having given up racing and criminal activities, Dom became a family man with Letty and their son Roman. Unfortunately, the plane carrying their...

Future War

Future War is an action-adventure film set in a science fiction version of Earth. When family man Dan is drafted into a war from which very few recruits return alive, he is forced to confront his past to fight for the future of the planet. Determined to make...

Main character

Director Shawn Levy (Stranger Things) talks about video games, artificial intelligence and the meaning of life in Free Guy. The intelligent script from Matt Lieberman (Scoob!) and Zak Penn (The Avengers) is both funny and touching. Guy (Ryan Reynolds) is an...

The Killer's Code

Martin Campbell's latest action film is a non-stop race to the finish line, no matter what. The hitman's code, executed in Bond style, moves forward with luxury and grace; that is, until the story goes off the rails. The film boasts a solid cast and does...


Candyman features an ambitious, multi-layered script from Jordan Peele (Get Out), Win Rosenfeld and Nia DaCosta (Little Woods). Under DaCosta's direction, the script rises above itself, creating a fun and exciting horror film that, like the original 1992...

Jungle Cruise

In its ongoing quest to turn every one of its attractions into a big-budget movie, Disney brings us Jungle Cruise. Luckily, screenwriters Michael Green (Logan), Glenn Ficarra (Cats and Dogs) and John Requa (Smallfoot) manage to take a short trip and turn it...


«Cinderella» is a modern film that updates a timeless fairy tale, adapted many times for the screen, captivating the hearts of audiences around the world. In the 2021 version, Cinderella is a young entrepreneur who wants to make a name for...

Honest Thief

Honest Thief is an action movie in the spirit of Tekken, but with the same actor and similar script. When a thief decides to return all the money he stole to make amends and rejoin society to be with the woman he loves, a pair of crooked FBI agents decide to...


Writer/director Christopher Nolan (Dunkirk) once again turns his thought-provoking script into a twisted, visual and mental feast with Tenet. As in his earlier outing, Inception, some of the plot twists may be hard to keep up with, but that's only half the...

New Mutants

Director Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars) teams up with Keith Lee to create this highly anticipated new release from Marvel, The New Mutants. Instead of making a simple superhero movie, they decided to risk the wrath of fans and bypass the modern horror...